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It is normal for some bleeding to occur during the first 24 hours. This can be controlled by biting with continuous pressure on a folded small gauze pad over the extraction site for 30 to 45 minutes. If the bleeding seems to be well controlled, this can be discontinued. If bleeding begins for any reason after this, repeat the above.
Some discomfort is to be expected following an extraction. Use the pain medication as directed. You should start taking the medication within one hour after leaving the office. Do not take aspirin in any form because it can cause prolonged bleeding in some individuals.
Some swelling will occur normally following extractions. Use an ice pack on your face next to the extraction site. Leave it in place for only 10 minutes and them remove it for 10 minutes. Repeat this routine as needed for up to 48 hours. Swelling begins to decrease after 48 hours. At that time, you can use heat to the area 30 minutes at a time, 4 times daily, until the swelling has disappeared.
Smoking, exercise, rinsing, chewing and using a straw for the first 24 hours.
An adequate food intake is necessary following an extraction. Liquids and soft foods should be taken for the first 24 to 48 hours. You should wait at least 2 hours before drinking a large quantity of fluid.
To prevent infection and decrease discomfort, gently start using a germicidal-anesthetic mouthwash (such as Listerine, Scope, etc.) after 24 hours. Wait 24 hours before beginning.
You should brush your teeth away from the extraction site, but wait 5 hours. You also should brush your tongue frequently as it will become very coated following an extraction. If you have any questions or problems, feel free to call me at the office or at my home.
Dr. Steiner’s home: 405-8567